
  • Community Development

    Physical, financial, human, social and environmental are the five key requirements when undertaking community development. My experience of working with different communities has meant that community and or service capacity building is achieved through participation by the staff and or communities, by empowering people to be able to articulate their problems and solutions resulting in outcomes which will improve on social capital. The people involved learn new skills, building on human capital. Not only do the people, be it staff or the community, develop new skills the outcome often ends up with improved economic options, building physical and financial capital. There is a strong sense of ownership which usually translates to a successful outcome. My experience and expertise in this area can assist your organisation in working with the community to build on service capacity. Every community and project is unique and one size does not fit all. However working with the target audience is imperative. The provision of a clear project brief assists in an understanding from the outset.
  • Service/Organisational Reviews

    Periodical reviews of the organisational and or service structure are essential to ensure the best approach and sufficient staff levels are available for the roles as required. Working with staff on the development of the structure and Position Descriptions can lead to an harmonious working environment. It can also lead to improved efficiencies. Changes in Government policy can often lead to either an increase or decrease in the types or volumes of services but often the staff levels have not changed. This could result in leading to a stressful environment for having insufficient staff or too many staff. It is important to have the right balance to ensure efficient and effective service provision. My experience as well as having a fresh approach to an organisation can provide opportunities for service enhancement as well as ensuring business continuity and managing risk.
  • Service Plan

    Local Government and the Not for Profit Sector develop corporate or council plans for the organisation. The development of unit or service plans in line with the Organisation’s Vision, Mission and Corporate Actions is required. The development of such plans assists staff in developing a clear understanding of the corporate objectives as well as an understanding with the roles at the unit level. My experience can assist with the development and review of these documents in a systematic manner, ensuring key performance indicators can be achievable and quantified.
  • Best Value Reviews

    In line with the 1999 the Victorian Government amended the Local Government Act to add a new section on Best Value. Under Best Value, councils are obliged to review all their services and adopt service delivery models that are the best on offer to meet the needs of their community.

    The Local Government Act requires Council to take these six principles into account when reviewing its services under best value: 

    • The need for services to deliver against agreed quality and cost standards
    • Accessibility of services to those who need them
    • Services being responsive to changing community needs
    • Continuous improvement in the delivery of services
    • Community consultation on services and activities
    • Regular annual reporting to the community on Council's performance

    Furthermore, the Act requires Council to take seven factors into account when developing its quality and cost standards:

    • The best on offer in the public and private sectors
    • Value for money
    • Community expectations and values
    • Balance of affordability and accessibility
    • Opportunities for local employment growth
    • Partnership building with other levels of government 
    • Environmental sustainability 

    I have developed an expertise in undertaking Best Value Reviews for Local Government Community Services. Whilst the Act pertains to Local Government, a Best Value Review for the Not for Profit sector can only assist in developing an understanding of the effectiveness, efficiencies and competitiveness of the Organisation.

  • Project management

    Project management is intrinsically linked to community development. The different phases of project management of Initiating, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation and closing are critical to a successful project. I have had many years’ experience in project and or contract management for minor and major capital project works as well as service capacity and research projects. My style is about having a clear and systematic approach with timeframes outlined and key deliverables achievable. My skills also support staff in developing robust documentation is in place to assist all of the key phases of the project ensuring public accountability. This approach also assists staff in understanding the importance of documentation control, filing and reporting on same.
  • Policy Development

    To ensure an organisational is operating to a high standard as well as meeting Government guidelines and legislation it is imperative that policies and procedures are developed and in place. The development of clear and concise policies empowers and informs staff of their responsibilities and rights as well as articulating the standards required. I have a strong back ground in the development of policies which are evidenced based and validated with relative checks and balances and in line with government quality standards and or legislation. All policies documentation I have been responsible for have been developed in line with control mechanisms in place. This style validates all amendments to the documentation thus safe guarding the organisation and the client and the employee.